Leeming netball Club


Information on Umpiring with Leeming Netball Club

LNC pays umpires to cover all junior-level games. With a wealth of junior-level teams, there is a great amount of opportunity for young and learning umpires to develop their skills in real game scenarios at suitable levels of difficulty.

It is important to remember first time umpires may not be able to be allocated paid umpiring games.  Once they have accessed mentoring and guidance to develop appropriate skills, payment will be organised.   Please note that lower-level junior games are fixtured as early mornings and these will likely be the games allocated to developing umpires as they are most appropriate for learning.

Our Umpire Coordinator is more than happy to provide access to resources or answer any enquiries regarding umpiring for Leeming or learning to umpire in general.

LNC Mentoring Program

LNC is endeavouring to run umpiring development workshop sessions during the preseason and season. Mentoring will also be available for developing umpires in which highly experienced umpires will observe, guide and provide constructive feedback to learning umpires to improve their skills, alongside supporting young umpires in sometimes tense situations. Additional and personalised assistance can be arranged by contacting our Umpire Coordinator at leemingnetballumpire@gmail.com and she will happily support your umpiring journey.

FNA Junior Umpire Development Program 

In addition to online umpiring development, Fremantle Netball Association (FNA) offers an insightful Junior Umpiring Development Program that provides a practical based way of learning and improving skills under the guidance of highly experienced FNA umpires. This program is run later in the year following the end of the winter season. It is a program which many of our umpires  have personal experience in and believe to be very valuable. Anyone considering umpiring should consider partaking in this course to gain a true idea of what is involved in umpiring without scoreboard pressures that are present in real games during the season.

The aim of the Junior Umpire Development program is to:

  • Promote & encourage young people in the field of umpiring
  • Have a consistency in the technical & practical applications of Umpiring
  • Provide a solid, large base of Junior Umpires.


  • The minimum age is turning 14 in year wishing to complete the program
  • Completed the online Rules of Netball Theory Exam
  • The exam is available via this link: Rules of Netball Theory Exam

How to become involved:

  • attend and umpire at least one trial of both the Phase 1 & Phase 2 FNA Representative team trials (dates for next program TBC).
  • from these trials selected umpires will be invited to the Phase 3, which is usually held in February to vie for a position in the following years'  Junior Umpire Program.

Trial Information:

All trials will be held at Fremantle Netball Association.  There is usually a cost involved to attend, payable on the first night. Umpires will be supervised during selection trials and umpire in a non-threatening environment.

Registration form for Junior Umpiring Development Program

For more information please contact: umpiring@fremantlenetball.com.au