Grading Information
Grading usually occurs mid February, full information will be included in any registration information. You will be required to attend all grading sessions. You will receive an email with dates and times from the club directly after registration. To help us plan team sizes please advise us if you plan to be absent for more than two weeks during the season.
Grading will be held at the West Leeming Primary School netball courts.
Please not NetSetGo teams (10 years old and under) are not graded.
Please wear suitable attire - netball shoes - no jewellery to be worn
As per FNA requirements, grading is based on year of birth, not school year. Every endeavour is made by the Graders to place members appropriately in teams taking into consideration skills and team balance. We cannot guarantee placing your child with their friends.
If you choose to withdraw from LNC the following fees will apply:
- Withdrawals after registration and prior to allocation day will incur a $20 admin fee.
- Withdrawals AFTER TEAM ALLOCATION will incur a $50 admin fee.
- There will be no refund for cancellations after the first game.
Team allocation
You will be notified via email when teams have been allocated.
LNC tries to host a "Season Opener" event after teams have been allocated. This is a chance to meet your team and decide on training days and times. Further information can be found on our socials and via email early in the year.